Attention Boomer Women who aren’t ready to retire in front of the TV yet
You may be looking for a new job because you want to or have to. Yet there’s one that might be perfect for you that never pops up in your job search. And yet, hundreds of women are employeed in this field right now all around the country as you read this. Believe it or not, age is an advantage. Wisdom and experience are an advantage.

What did you find in your Google job search?
If you’ve been typing into Google such terms as “jobs for older women,” you might be getting lists like the following. And you never discover the Sorority House Director/Sorority Mom jobs. You have to know about them to look for them in a big job site. The sole reason this website exists is for you to find this specific job!
First result – 17 Great Jobs for Seniors at
In order: Event usher, customer service representative, data entry clerk, tour guide, driver, dog walker, virtual assistant, athletic coach, content writer, phone interviewer, bookkeeper, tutor, courier, travel agent, sales rep, consultant, real estate agent.
Second result – 7 Best Jobs for Women Over 50 at
In order: consultant, life coach, start a business, online tutoring, teach online course, freelance work, financial advisor.
Third result – Top 10 Best Jobs for Senior Women at
In order: administrative service manager, bus driver, high school teacher, innkeeper, medical information technician, occupational therapist, personal finance advisor, real estate agent, registeried nurse, technical writer.
How realistic was the job search for you?
Now, Innkeeper comes the closest to what this job is… and there are many more articles out there providing job lists. But how realistic are a lot of these options? Who writes these with mature women in mind who are changing careers? Let’s face it, you can get a job as a Walmart greeter much quicker than you could earn a degree and certification to become an occupational therapist. Do these lists kind of make you shake your head or even chuckle?
The job search is over
But only here at Sorority do we tell you about the one job that includes salary, home, utilities, chef, housekeeper and gardener! A job that you are more than likely qualified for right now. Whatever you need to learn to prepare for the job is all right here in one place. You don’t have to rush out to get into an expensive training program that may last for months or years. Plus, you can still do some of these jobs while working as a Sorority House Director and double your income. Something to think about, Ladies.
Access all the resources you need to break into this career — and keep it — are right here: