This week’s FREE giveway is a Medical journal
No, not the kind a medical professional reads. This is for you to gather all your important information in one spot. This is important, of course, and you know it needs to get done.

This is even more critical if you live far from family. What would someone else need in order to step in on your behalf during an emergency? Would that person from your House know where to find this information in your apartment? Would they know who to call besides 911? That’s why this particular Sorority Mom journal should be kept handy.
Take care of this important task now!
We’re sending the Medical journal now to make sure you take care of this project before the school year begins. That was really the incentive to start our Celebration early. It’s easy to put this task into an ever-growing to-do pile once girls and staff return to the House. Please download this now!
As Girl Scouts taught us: be prepared
Not that you’d ever need it. But if you were once a Girl Scout or Scout leader, than you lived this motto: Be Prepared. We former GS leaders could all write an essay on that topic — a very thorough female organization, as you know!
So in that spirit, here are items to include in this journal besides the obvious important phone numbers. This isn’t intended to be morbid. It’s intended to make it easy for anyone coming to your assistance. It’s to eliminate confusion and any chance that decisions won’t line up with what you intend. Remove the frustrating guess work! This will be a gift to your support team.
Nine essential lists in your Medical journal
- Decide who you want to communicate with locally about taking care of your well-being should a personal medical emergency come up. Is this a Board member, a staff member? Set a time to discuss this. Show where they will find this journal.
- Who will be your family contact? Make sure they have the local person’s number at the Sorority.
- Have a signed, notarized durable power of attorney. Most likely this will be held under the auspices of a family member. Give them a copy and keep one in your journal.
- Have a signed advance health care directive (you can find items 3 & 4 free on the internet). Make a copy for your designated family member and keep one in your journal.
- Make a list of related insurance policies, including life, disability, health, Medicare, and Medicare supplement if you have it.
- List your physicians, health care providers, and presciptions. Include written permission for your loved ones to speak with your doctors.
- List personal medical issues that someone should be mindful of if you’re incapacitated.
- Create or have on hand information about your wishes for burial or disposition of your remains.
- Update your will and/or trust with a local elder law attorney. Laws change and these need to be up-to-date in your home state.
Our motto here at SororityMom is “Helping House Directors Succeed.” Download this free gift to help you do just that. This free offer is good for one week only until Sunday, August 7, 2022. Don’t procrastinate, Ladies!