Where there are Sorority House Director vacancies, they want to fill those ASAP!
It may be summer vacation on college campuses across the country. But for Sorority House Boards with a vacancy, they still have a job to do. It’s an important one that weighs heavily until they find the right woman who will manage the house during the next school year, and hopefully beyond. Some colleges and universities begin the new school year in August. For Boards who are at schools beginning later in September, they’re just as eager to complete their job search. They are coming to the end of hiring season for Sorority jobs.

Are you ready to jump into the job search now?
So, have you prepared your resume and cover letter? Have you been checking the free Job Board here on SororityMom? Have you checked out other Job Board services? Have you tried some of the strategies for locating vacancies suggested on SororityMom.com? How about reading the House Director’s Survival Guide first before you land an interview?
Hiring season for House Directors is beginning to wind down or heat up, depending how you look at it! Either way, it will involve a flurry of activity to make sure the house opens on time. Seriously, that means the Board is reading applications, conducting rounds of interviews, meeting with top candidates in person… and you packing up your affairs and getting moved within a tight time frame if you’re hired late in the season. Hey, if you’re up for the challenge, then move forward with your plans to get hired this summer.
Are you ready to move if you’re hired?
What will it take for you to make a last-minute move? Unless you’re fortunate to be working at a campus in your hometown, you will be making a transition. Maybe a major one. How much can you take with you? Will you need storage? What can you be doing to prepare during this interim time “just in case?” But here’s a job tip: sometimes it’s the last house that will hire you as a neophyte because school is getting ready to start. It may not be the location you thought you wanted in the beginning, but it’s ideal for getting your foot in the Sorority world door.
Get your copy of our successful resume template and cover letter here https://sororitymom.com/online-shop/