Kappa Kappa Gamma
- Observe Fraternity and House Board housing policies and chapter house rules. It is the expectation that Fraternity employees honor all Fraternity Bylaws, Standing Rules and Policies.
- Pay all bills on time.
- Prepare annually a House Department budget* based on prior and projected income and expenses. Meet with the chapter Treasurer, Finance Adviser and House Board Treasurer to ensure that the budgets of all entities are reasonable and affordable by the membership.
- During the school year, attend regular meetings with the chapter Treasurer, Finance Adviser and House Board Treasurer to evaluate cash flow in and out, position in relation to the budgets, and projected expenses for the coming month.
- Make all financial records available to House Board members during regular working hours.
- Hire, train, supervise and evaluate staff — cook(s), kitchen help (housemen, hashers), housekeepers, maintenance and janitorial workers, grounds keepers, and other help as needed (i.e. snow removal, etc.).
- Establish with the House Board rules for kitchen operations and safety. Post these rules and other city and state food service licenses and certificates.
- Oversee food service and kitchen management, including:
– The ordering of food and supplies.
– The planning of meals, with input from the House Committee.
– Organizing, restocking and equipping as necessary before each academic term.
- Regularly conduct announced job performance evaluations for all hired personnel.
NOTE: If termination of a staff member becomes necessary, the House Director must consult with and obtain approval from a House Board officer before taking any action.
- Arrange for routine services — cleaning, equipment maintenance (heating, ventilation and air conditioning, kitchen, plumbing and electrical), landscaping, pest control, all life-safety equipment.
- Supervise all repairs and deliveries.
- Schedule and conduct any necessary inspection visits.
- Ensure life-safety requirements are met.
- Conduct a room check before and after each closing, with House Board member(s) and House Committee member(s) coordination and participation.
- Maintain a complete set of keys and/or access codes for all doors in the facility, with the exception of the Ritual closet.
- Be able to locate and operate all major utility cutoffs.
- Post regular “office hours” for availability to members.
- Offer support and/or comfort to members on an as needed basis.
- Provide the House Board with emergency notification information — telephone number and whereabouts — when leaving the chapter house for an extended period of time.* In consultation with the House Board, arrange for overnight coverage in the event of unavoidable absence.
House Board Expectations of the House Director
- Communicate regularly with the House Board. If not attending in person, provide a written report for each House Board meeting (4 per year). Include all pertinent information regarding supervised staff.
- Meet weekly with the House Chairman or designated committee member. Provide a report for Chapter Council meetings and attend if invited.
- Attend the House Orientation meeting and any meetings devoted to facility matters. Be prepared to report on the expectations of the chapter, meal schedule and rules regarding late plates, dining room etiquette, kitchen rules, the House Director’s posted availability hours, relationships with facility employees, life-safety procedures, evacuation training and procedures.
- Listen, respect and keep confidences unless the information presents a danger to the member or chapter.
- Communicate with the Advisory Board. All discipline/behavior/rule violations should be directed to the appropriate officer and/or her adviser. Matters of chapter and Fraternity policy and procedure are in the purview of the advisers.
- Participate in House Director activities on the campus.