Alpha Chi Omega - Alpha Lambda Chapter
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Position: House Director
Description of Position:
The Alpha Lambda Chapter is looking for a mature, organized, and caring individual to fill the position of a full-time, live-in House Director at the University of Minneapolis. The house director is an employee of the chapter and is supervised by the Facility Operations Manager. With direction from the local House Corporation Board (HCB), the house director serves as the primary manager of the local chapter facility to ensure that an appropriate living and learning environment is maintained for chapter members. Responsibilities include: ensuring safety procedures are followed, assisting in setting up inspections as required by university, local, state and federal laws, making recommendations on facility maintenance and repair needs, performing general maintenance and repair needs, assisting in locating local vendors and contractors for general facility repairs and maintenance, conducting annual house inspections, and maintaining inventory of facility property.
Criteria for Selection: Mature, responsible person with knowledge of the Collegiate Greek System and experience in property management.
Listed below is a more comprehensive breakdown of job responsibilities:
*Provides a safe environment
*Maintains a homelike atmosphere *Assists in maintaining standards of good taste
*Maintains friendly relationship with members and alumnae of chapter
*Provides guidance when requested
*Holds all house matters in confidence
*Establishes rapport with other Greek house directors
*Participates in campus activities directly involving house directors
*Establishes rapport with the local fire department
*Knowledgeable about university resources for crisis management
*Adheres to campus, Fraternity, and chapter policies and rules
*Attends all house meetings
*Reports any housing concerns to the chapter advisor
*Assists in developing and implementing house rules and/or the HCB liaison
*Assists Vice President of Facility Operations with fire drills
*Serves as a positive role model for collegiate women each semester
*General knowledge of and ability to perform basic repairs and maintenance
*Reports needed repairs to the HCB liaison
*Oversees upkeep of house and property
*Purchases necessary supplies for housing operations, with approval
*Oversees the opening/closing of the chapter at the start and end of the academic year and during university holidays.
*Catering Service or Cook
*Cleaning Service or Housekeeper
*Student Waiters
* Oversees the kitchen and food management
* Keeps necessary records/inventories for capital improvements
* Works with Chapter Advisor and the Vice President Finance to monitor expenditures related to house maintenance/repairs and food expenses, where applicable.
COMPENSATION: A furnished, one-bedroom apartment, parking space, meal plan, and a competitive salary based on experience will be provided.
Please note: The chapter house is a smoke, alcohol, drug, and firearm free environment.
Applications will be accepted by emailing to: