Chi Omega Xi Lambda Housing Corporation
July 9, 2019
Lexington, Virginia
Job Type


Seeking House Director for Chi Omega sorority at Washington and Lee University.

- Resides in the chapter house when students are present. W&L expects the House Corporation to provide a substitute House Director if the regular House Director is going to away from the House for more than one night. If that is impossible the House Director should notify:

      • respective House Corporation contacts,
      • W&L Public Safety and,
      • appropriate Student Affairs designee

- Is required to comply with all University policies applicable to individuals working or living on campus and attend all University orientation/training sessions on such policies deemed necessary by the University.

- Supports University initiatives and stays involved in the Campus Community.

- Attends House Director Trainings or other meetings as scheduled by the appropriate Student Affairs designee.

- Communicates expectations for use of the chapter house in collaboration with the chapter officers, the University, and the House Corporation.

- Notices when a student appears to need assistance and refers them to the proper resource. If the House Director perceives potentially life-threatening issues they should call 911 and W&L Public Safety (x8999). The House Director should not act as a counselor for issues concerning mental health or substance abuse, but rather refer the individual to a trained University staff member.

- Submits work orders in accordance with Facilities Management guidelines and ensures work orders are completed successfully in a timely manner.

- Has basic computer knowledge, including the skills necessary to access email.

- Must be physically able to climb stairs within the Chapter House in order to provide adequate supervision of Chapter activities.

- Must have the ability to manage room assignments, resolve minor conflicts and identify issues that need to be brought to the attention of the University.

- Acts as a liaison between the chapter and the Advisory and House Corporation Boards; let a member of either Board know if there is a concerning situation involving members of the chapter (Advisory Board) or the house (House Corporation Board).

- Oversees the operation of the house and work with the House Corporation to keep it running smoothly.

- Informs the House Corporation of all necessary house-related expenditures.

- Serves as hostess for all house functions.

- Working with the University, is responsible for opening the house in the fall and closing the house in the spring and during all University vacations.

- Is present and available to assist as necessary during Recruitment.

- Records and updates inventory of property annually.

- Is responsible for the safety and security of the physical structure.

- Reports any safety concerns to the University and the House Corporation in a timely manner.

- Coordinates with vendors and service providers as needed.