Hellenic House
July 15, 2017
Ohio, Ohio
Job Type


The House Director is hired by and responsible to the Executive Board Members of the house corporation, a non-profit corporation that owns the building, contents and land at the chapter house.


  • Oversee facility and personal safety, coordinate with House Committee or primary contact for building maintenance and repair and manage day-to-day operation of the chapter residence.
  • Coordinate back-to-school readiness.
  • Assume leadership role during emergencies
  • Handle special projects as directed.
  • Interface with chapter members and volunteers in the performance of these responsibilities.
  • No cooking or cleaning responsibilities
  • Enforce rules of the chapter house
  • Create a home away from home atmosphere for the chapter members
  • Maintain the home and coordinate maintenance
  • Ensure supplies are in stock


Please send letter of interest and resume to hellenichousepresident@gmail.com